These images show two different types of scars. The scar on the left appears on an inmate who was in a prison fight when a shard of glass cut his stomach. The scar on the right is a c-section scar. Both of the scarred individuals said the cuts were life changing experiences.
Think about what it means to "write the body." Is the disfigured body a cultural metaphor and/or social invention? Consider, for example, the phrase "scars of conquest" and recall historical scarring as an act of claiming ownership of a person. How does this history relate to these images? How does it differ?
Do you see issues of scarring and body marking represented in your texts?
I think that many people have different scars for different reasons. In prison it represents a battle scar. A sign that says your not affraid to fight and can take pain. Some inmates may scar themselves just for intimidation. Other people i think scar themselves to cry out for help. They have so many things going on in life that they cut themselves to forget about their other problems. Some people I think view it as another tatoo form. I know people who have cut star shapes into their body. I think that people feel they need to do something extream to stand out and be different.
I feel that these images relate because the scar that the man received in prison shows he's went through a lot of pain for a crime. He did something that put him in prison, and now he has to go through fights to prove himself to other so he will not be messed with again. As for the woman, she may have made a choice to have a child and now she has the scar to show the pain she endured. Her pain is based on a choice that she may have wanted, as for the man he possibly had no choice but to fight. Both of these scars show that they both went through a lot. I believe that their pain tolerance shows that they can handle a lot more than say someone who has never had a baby, or been in a prison fight.
Both of the scars are kind of similar. Both of these people got cut by others. Of course one was violent and the other was a form of giving birth. Both scars would represent the person who I guess I can say was the cause of the scars. For example the man who got cut in the jail fight, every time he would se that scar he would just be able to think about that person who did it. Another thing he would have to think about is how he survived that cut, survived prison. It may not always be a negitive negitive version of the story, it will show people that he is a survivor. The other scar on the mother, that either had to have a c-section or choose to will always remember the day of her pregnancy and what she had to go throught that day. There are many different examples of what scarring could represent through history. Where people would have to have scarring or tattoos to represent who they are. For example the Jews had to get tattoos of numbers so they could be identified. Scarring is'nt always physical. People could have such traggic pasts where they remember what has happened to them forever. Something so small could remind someone of their past, and it could hurt really bad.
The motivation behind these scars are life choices. When a woman decides that she wants to become a mother, in a sense she has given up her body for her unborn child.A mother is willing to take every risk possible to ensure that her child is born healthy and safe.So to me this scar shows pain , endurance and love. While the scar from the prison inmate shows survival.Their is no peace or anything becoming from that scar.His story will read different form the woman who gave birth because of the way they obtained them. With both of these pictures we have to not judge befor we no the meanings behind these scar.Once we no why or how someone has obtained something we can better understand their struggle/problem. Basically we as peolpe shouldn't judge what we see, while we are entitled to our opinions knowing will give us a better answer or understanding.
To write the body i tink means having art or like kristen said "life changing experiences" on your body. For example, in some places a beautiful women can be seen as a tall brunette with colored eyes, skinny, and with a really nice body. In some other places an obese woman can be seen as the most beautiful, looked up to person. It all depends on where you are in the world, everyone has different views.
A historical event that i can think of that relates to this is, probably when the holocaust happened. If you remembered, the people tooken into the concentration camps were tattoed with a number so they could be identified, their names were useless. Another thing is when they made them wear the star of david. I think this relates because its the same as getting a scar, you never really wanted it unless its self inflicted. The only way its differs to me is, that the people in the holocaust were tattoed and the people in the images have scars, but they are both still noticeable and means something. Scarring is not just physical because there are people that cut themselves and people who decide to get tattoes.
Scars could mean alot. Knowing that a scar would never disappear makes you wonder could you live with it. You could see that their both not happy with theirselves. The inmate my have reactions to some one coming close to him because of what happened. He might fear others because he doesn't want it to happen again. The lady with the c-section might be discouraged of her body. She might feel ugly, she can't show a part of her body she can't become a whole again even though she has brought in life for a child. They both might feel ashamed of their scars. They have to learn to deal with it or tell a story to show that their not scared to tell someone what happen or giving them a heads up of what could happen. It would be an inspiration to others.
When a person usually get a scar,or a tattoo they have some sort of storie that goes along with that. The concepts of scarring, and writing the body have been around and practied for as long as anyone can remember.From the Egyptians to the the ancient Mayan civilization, people have always used body art, or scars to tell stories. These "bodily disfigurments" offer a person to express themselves, or on the flip, hide their pasts. the Jweish and African Holocausts are among some of tragic eras in time that have had generational and long term effects with the victims of them. the Jewish victims were branded with digits like merchandise to become a false identity.They were marked on the inner wrist among other places on the body.
I agree with wat everyone says about what they think the meaning t the scars are. People who end up getting tattoos it might show where they come from,who they are or its a symbol representing someting they i would use my frnd as an example he has a tattoo of the symbol ambition. He says that it represents who he is and what he wants to show people he has. when ever he is about to quit on something or just wants something he looks at that tattoo and says this is what i want i have ambition and im not a quiter. that tattoo he says makes him not quit on his dreams.
I agree that they're both life changing scars. But when the inmate got in his fight, he wasn't thinking ahead. I don't know if the glass cutting him was his fault. If he was in a prison fight, he may not have wanted anything to do with it. On the other hand, if he had the intention to fight, he probably didn't considered any consequence.
“The motivation behind these scars are life choices.” - Samantha I totally agree with Samantha because these two different people, who took two different paths in life, resulted in having a type of scar that they shall carry for the rest of their lives. One scar could represent a new beginning while the other could mean dark ending. Each photo has the essential parts of what could make a person incredibly unique.
I think that the prison scar repersents someone taking ownership over someoneelse. In prison from documentarys I've seen. Everyone wants to take ownership over something. Sometimes it just happens to be over someone else. The other picture is a sign of well being and the birth of someone into this world. It marks joyus happiness, the other just happens to mark hate and what someone is actually capable of. Scarring is not only physically, and you only truly understand this until you've been scarred emotionaly by something you could never forgive nor forget.
Colton- I really liked the statment "In prison it represents a battle scar. A sign that says your not afraid to fight and can take pain." Deanna: You talk about a physical sign, that is on this guys body, that says that he's not afraid to be strong. I understand what your saying. Its like you have a visual indication of what "strength" is really suppose to represent. A scar that says "I'm not fearful of what you have."
samatha- Ryan:I really liked when you where talking about the c-section scar. Most mothers are actually proud to have them. Kind of like proof that "Hey, i brought my kid in to this world and this is what i went through for it." That and the fact that they use it agaisnt their kids, like, "Hey look what you put me through, you gave me a scar now go do your own laundry" I also really like tha scaring isn't physical line. Most people scar themselves in a form of attention or "it makes the pain go away" and years later they look back at it and they're like "what the fuck did i do that for?"
I agree with the attitude that they have to deal with their scars from that point on. They shouldn't reflect on the decision if they regret it. They have to make the best out of a situation that they may feel uncomfortable with. A scar like that should build their faith. They have that scar for a reason and if they don't want to look that way, atleast they know not to make another decision that may lead to those scars.
I agree with Tiara because scars do mean alot and no matter how old you get they never disappear. Scars equal life to me. The inmate had to face whatever or whoever it was that made him get the scar. The scar can represent many things like physical pain, mental pain and it could also represent courage. Those are both good and bad things. The inmate scar can also be a way of acceptence. The woman can may be ashamed of outer appearence of the her after the baby was born. After seeing the baby, I would say that the scar would be an accomplishment. She has brought life into the world just like her mother has brought her life into the world. Yes again both scars were painful but the end result was meaningful. King Phillip
i DISAGREE WITH ONE thing someone wrote it was that people in prison have a scar to represent the pain they are goin threw. i dont think thats what it means they are there for that reason to pay for what they have done they dont have pain and i dont think anyone would care if they feel pain or not.and because you have a scar it doesnt always mean ur getting away with not being messed wit its only the begining of what is coming up next your way first is a scar next it might b death or even worsed.
after reading allof the comments that all seema bout the same, meaning they share most of the same veiws. we as ourselves can only truely know about our own scars. there are endless possibilities to why a person may have whats on there body, but their the only one who knows the true meaning. these may have been accidents, self inflected, or in some cases obvious but who's to really know, i have scars right now that people may beleive are of other meanings than they are,but only i can tell the story. so i would have to differ on some cases of the scars immediately telling the facts.
alexis I think, explained the pictures in a way I wanted to when I first saw them. If we saw both of these scars out of context we would know nothing. They could be brother and sister, wife and husband. The scars could be from a shark bite or a car accident. when i think of scars i want to know the story. when i look at my scars i think of the story behind it. Our scars are a story that we are forced to carry with us forever. Our memories are mental scar. A scar is can be negative or postive, mental or pysical. But they will always be a story.
We are commenting on Alexis's comment, And i must say I agree. Alexis speaks of scars by comparing them to life choices. Or saying that the scars are a result of life choices. And that is very very true becuase the inmate with prison made the choice to fight knowing that he could have gotten far more then a scar. The womens scar was that of her on as well but I do believe she didn't have as much control.
The next person we will be commenting on is jodh Ulrich who has taken a different route and goes on to say that the inmate may have been forced to fight and the women was on her on when choosing to have a child. I think you know that we disagree. i bigboi and i agree with you about the inmate because in jail if you get disrespected you have to fight to show that you are a man. if you dont fight in prison then you will become a punk to guys
I agree with michelle the prison scar could be someone talking over something. But I beleive that its more then just taking over something, its a matter of also defending whats yours. Scars represents some kind of fight. I also agree that scarring isnt just physical its emotional too. If someone talks about you, that hurts your feelings and it scars your heart emotionally; especially if you love that person. King Phillip
Most of the time, A scar is left behind for a negative incedent,but not always nesscesarily. Tattoos for instance represent something signifacant to someone in there lives (unless there drunk of course). They are an expression of pride in a belief they hold so dear, that they scar themselves intentually to diplay this symbol for the rest of there lives. These pictures can be juxaposed toward the positive and negative relationship. But no one what to have thir belly split open. Both live threatening situations,a man defending himself and a woman trying to give birth. Neither are intentional, but both reminders that life could end anytime so it should be something appreciated.
These images show two different types of scars. The scar on the left appears on an inmate who was in a prison fight when a shard of glass cut his stomach. The scar on the right is a c-section scar. Both of the scarred individuals said the cuts were life changing experiences.
Think about what it means to "write the body." Is the disfigured body a cultural metaphor and/or social invention? Consider, for example, the phrase "scars of conquest" and recall historical scarring as an act of claiming ownership of a person. How does this history relate to these images? How does it differ?
Do you see issues of scarring and body marking represented in your texts?
Is scarring only physical?
I think that many people have different scars for different reasons. In prison it represents a battle scar. A sign that says your not affraid to fight and can take pain. Some inmates may scar themselves just for intimidation. Other people i think scar themselves to cry out for help. They have so many things going on in life that they cut themselves to forget about their other problems. Some people I think view it as another tatoo form. I know people who have cut star shapes into their body. I think that people feel they need to do something extream to stand out and be different.
I feel that these images relate because the scar that the man received in prison shows he's went through a lot of pain for a crime. He did something that put him in prison, and now he has to go through fights to prove himself to other so he will not be messed with again. As for the woman, she may have made a choice to have a child and now she has the scar to show the pain she endured. Her pain is based on a choice that she may have wanted, as for the man he possibly had no choice but to fight. Both of these scars show that they both went through a lot. I believe that their pain tolerance shows that they can handle a lot more than say someone who has never had a baby, or been in a prison fight.
Both of the scars are kind of similar. Both of these people got cut by others. Of course one was violent and the other was a form of giving birth.
Both scars would represent the person who I guess I can say was the cause of the scars.
For example the man who got cut in the jail fight, every time he would se that scar he would just be able to think about that person who did it. Another thing he would have to think about is how he survived that cut, survived prison. It may not always be a negitive negitive version of the story, it will show people that he is a survivor.
The other scar on the mother, that either had to have a c-section or choose to will always remember the day of her pregnancy and what she had to go throught that day.
There are many different examples of what scarring could represent through history. Where people would have to have scarring or tattoos to represent who they are. For example the Jews had to get tattoos of numbers so they could be identified.
Scarring is'nt always physical. People could have such traggic pasts where they remember what has happened to them forever. Something so small could remind someone of their past, and it could hurt really bad.
The motivation behind these scars are life choices.
When a woman decides that she wants to become a mother, in a sense she has given up her body for her unborn child.A mother is willing to take every risk possible to ensure that her child is born healthy and safe.So to me this scar shows pain , endurance and love.
While the scar from the prison inmate shows survival.Their is no peace or anything becoming from that scar.His story will read different form the woman who gave birth because of the way they obtained them.
With both of these pictures we have to not judge befor we no the meanings behind these scar.Once we no why or how someone has obtained something we can better understand their struggle/problem. Basically we as peolpe shouldn't judge what we see, while we are entitled to our opinions knowing will give us a better answer or understanding.
To write the body i tink means having art or like kristen said "life changing experiences" on your body. For example, in some places a beautiful women can be seen as a tall brunette with colored eyes, skinny, and with a really nice body. In some other places an obese woman can be seen as the most beautiful, looked up to person. It all depends on where you are in the world, everyone has different views.
A historical event that i can think of that relates to this is, probably when the holocaust happened. If you remembered, the people tooken into the concentration camps were tattoed with a number so they could be identified, their names were useless. Another thing is when they made them wear the star of david. I think this relates because its the same as getting a scar, you never really wanted it unless its self inflicted. The only way its differs to me is, that the people in the holocaust were tattoed and the people in the images have scars, but they are both still noticeable and means something. Scarring is not just physical because there are people that cut themselves and people who decide to get tattoes.
Scars could mean alot. Knowing that a scar would never disappear makes you wonder could you live with it. You could see that their both not happy with theirselves. The inmate my have reactions to some one coming close to him because of what happened. He might fear others because he doesn't want it to happen again. The lady with the c-section might be discouraged of her body. She might feel ugly, she can't show a part of her body she can't become a whole again even though she has brought in life for a child. They both might feel ashamed of their scars. They have to learn to deal with it or tell a story to show that their not scared to tell someone what happen or giving them a heads up of what could happen. It would be an inspiration to others.
When a person usually get a scar,or a tattoo they have some sort of storie that goes along with that. The concepts of scarring, and writing the body have been around and practied for as long as anyone can remember.From the Egyptians to the the ancient Mayan civilization, people have always used body art, or scars to tell stories. These "bodily disfigurments" offer a person to express themselves, or on the flip, hide their pasts.
the Jweish and African Holocausts are among some of tragic eras in time that have had generational and long term effects with the victims of them. the Jewish victims were branded with digits like merchandise to become a false identity.They were marked on the inner wrist among other places on the body.
I agree with wat everyone says about what they think the meaning t the scars are. People who end up getting tattoos it might show where they come from,who they are or its a symbol representing someting they i would use my frnd as an example he has a tattoo of the symbol ambition. He says that it represents who he is and what he wants to show people he has. when ever he is about to quit on something or just wants something he looks at that tattoo and says this is what i want i have ambition and im not a quiter. that tattoo he says makes him not quit on his dreams.
I agree that they're both life changing scars. But when the inmate got in his fight, he wasn't thinking ahead. I don't know if the glass cutting him was his fault. If he was in a prison fight, he may not have wanted anything to do with it. On the other hand, if he had the intention to fight, he probably didn't considered any consequence.
“The motivation behind these scars are life choices.”
- Samantha
I totally agree with Samantha because these two different people, who took two different paths in life, resulted in having a type of scar that they shall carry for the rest of their lives. One scar could represent a new beginning while the other could mean dark ending. Each photo has the essential parts of what could make a person incredibly unique.
I think that the prison scar repersents someone taking ownership over someoneelse. In prison from documentarys I've seen. Everyone wants to take ownership over something. Sometimes it just happens to be over someone else. The other picture is a sign of well being and the birth of someone into this world. It marks joyus happiness, the other just happens to mark hate and what someone is actually capable of. Scarring is not only physically, and you only truly understand this until you've been scarred emotionaly by something you could never forgive nor forget.
Colton- I really liked the statment "In prison it represents a battle scar. A sign that says your not afraid to fight and can take pain."
Deanna: You talk about a physical sign, that is on this guys body, that says that he's not afraid to be strong. I understand what your saying. Its like you have a visual indication of what "strength" is really suppose to represent. A scar that says "I'm not fearful of what you have."
Ryan:I really liked when you where talking about the c-section scar. Most mothers are actually proud to have them. Kind of like proof that "Hey, i brought my kid in to this world and this is what i went through for it." That and the fact that they use it agaisnt their kids, like, "Hey look what you put me through, you gave me a scar now go do your own laundry"
I also really like tha scaring isn't physical line. Most people scar themselves in a form of attention or "it makes the pain go away" and years later they look back at it and they're like "what the fuck did i do that for?"
I agree with the attitude that they have to deal with their scars from that point on. They shouldn't reflect on the decision if they regret it. They have to make the best out of a situation that they may feel uncomfortable with. A scar like that should build their faith. They have that scar for a reason and if they don't want to look that way, atleast they know not to make another decision that may lead to those scars.
I agree with Tiara because scars do mean alot and no matter how old you get they never disappear. Scars equal life to me. The inmate had to face whatever or whoever it was that made him get the scar. The scar can represent many things like physical pain, mental pain and it could also represent courage. Those are both good and bad things. The inmate scar can also be a way of acceptence. The woman can may be ashamed of outer appearence of the her after the baby was born. After seeing the baby, I would say that the scar would be an accomplishment. She has brought life into the world just like her mother has brought her life into the world. Yes again both scars were painful but the end result was meaningful.
King Phillip
i DISAGREE WITH ONE thing someone wrote it was that people in prison have a scar to represent the pain they are goin threw. i dont think thats what it means they are there for that reason to pay for what they have done they dont have pain and i dont think anyone would care if they feel pain or not.and because you have a scar it doesnt always mean ur getting away with not being messed wit its only the begining of what is coming up next your way first is a scar next it might b death or even worsed.
after reading allof the comments that all seema bout the same, meaning they share most of the same veiws. we as ourselves can only truely know about our own scars. there are endless possibilities to why a person may have whats on there body, but their the only one who knows the true meaning. these may have been accidents, self inflected, or in some cases obvious but who's to really know, i have scars right now that people may beleive are of other meanings than they are,but only i can tell the story. so i would have to differ on some cases of the scars immediately telling the facts.
alexis I think, explained the pictures in a way I wanted to when I first saw them. If we saw both of these scars out of context we would know nothing. They could be brother and sister, wife and husband. The scars could be from a shark bite or a car accident. when i think of scars i want to know the story. when i look at my scars i think of the story behind it. Our scars are a story that we are forced to carry with us forever. Our memories are mental scar. A scar is can be negative or postive, mental or pysical. But they will always be a story.
We are commenting on Alexis's comment, And i must say I agree. Alexis speaks of scars by comparing them to life choices. Or saying that the scars are a result of life choices. And that is very very true becuase the inmate with prison made the choice to fight knowing that he could have gotten far more then a scar. The womens scar was that of her on as well but I do believe she didn't have as much control.
The next person we will be commenting on is jodh Ulrich who has taken a different route and goes on to say that the inmate may have been forced to fight and the women was on her on when choosing to have a child. I think you know that we disagree. i bigboi and i agree with you about the inmate because in jail if you get disrespected you have to fight to show that you are a man. if you dont fight in prison then you will become a punk to guys
I agree with michelle the prison scar could be someone talking over something. But I beleive that its more then just taking over something, its a matter of also defending whats yours. Scars represents some kind of fight. I also agree that scarring isnt just physical its emotional too. If someone talks about you, that hurts your feelings and it scars your heart emotionally; especially if you love that person.
King Phillip
Most of the time, A scar is left behind for a negative incedent,but not always nesscesarily. Tattoos for instance represent something signifacant to someone in there lives (unless there drunk of course). They are an expression of pride in a belief they hold so dear, that they scar themselves intentually to diplay this symbol for the rest of there lives. These pictures can be juxaposed toward the positive and negative relationship. But no one what to have thir belly split open. Both live threatening situations,a man defending himself and a woman trying to give birth. Neither are intentional, but both reminders that life could end anytime so it should be something appreciated.
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